MetaMask , the crypto wallet represented by a fox's head, is the current market leader in digital currency wallets integrated directly into web browsers.

The Wallet has established itself as THE essential wallet for interacting with numerous blockchain , exchange platforms, decentralized applications, and Web3 games.

Currently, tens of millions of Internet users use this Crypto- Wallet every day, which testifies to its popularity, its reliability, and its security to manage their cryptos.

The creation of MetaMask and its history

The digital wallet was created and developed from July 2016 by Aaron Davis and Dan Finlay within the American company ConsenSys. However, this company, founded in 2014 by Joseph Lubin, has been one of the main developers of the Ethereum Blockchain since the beginning.

Thus, the MetaMask Wallet has been intrinsically linked to the Ethereum blockchain since its origin.

A Wallet available on browser & mobile

MetaMask was the first Wallet available as a browser extension, which greatly contributed to its success and mass adoption.

And since 2019, the Wallet is also available as an iOS and Android mobile application, which makes it even easier to access and manage your digital assets.

Indeed, MetaMask allows you to manage your digital assets from your computer, or directly from your smartphone.

In addition, MetaMask also makes it easier for you to interact with the smart contracts of dApps (decentralized applications) by allowing you to carry out digital transactions and signatures.

How to install MetaMask wallet?

Installing MetaMask on your web browser is extremely simple. Simply go to your web browser's extension library, type " Metamask " in the search bar, then click "ADD".

To install MetaMask on your smartphone, simply go to GooglePlay or the AppStore, search for the MetaMask mobile application, then click install.

Once the browser extension, or mobile app, is installed, MetaMask will then ask you to either import a pre-existing wallet if you already have one, or to create a new wallet.

As with any classic account creation, the application will ask you to choose your password, then you will have access to educational content on the use of Wallet , before giving you your unique personal recovery phrase.

Called “Seed Phrase”, it is 12 different words, in a precise order, which you must keep carefully because this is your only way to restore all the private keys associated with your account in the event of forgetting the password, loss or theft of your computer etc.

Buy, send, exchange and receive cryptos

Once MetaMask is installed, you unlock all its possibilities:

  • deposit your cryptos that you owned on another Wallet , an Exchange etc.
  • buy cryptocurrencies directly from MetaMask ,
  • receive crypto-assets in your account,
  • exchange and trade cryptocurrencies etc.
